Thursday, February 23, 2012

week 5

Todi, Santa Maria della Consolazione, 1504-1517
-Executed by Cola da Caprarola

located in Todi Italy
creator: Donato Bromante
-is a centralized church
-the interior is reminiscent of Tuscan designs, due to use of ribs and the placement of a larger second order on a lower order
-the exterior and interior harmonize
-has a high dome and has use of drum
-the dome was intended initially to be between two towers which are independent of the building
-have large apses and double pilasters

Raphael (1483-1520) 
Rome, Palazzo dell'Aquila, completed 1520
creator: P Ferrerio, based off Raphael  
-takes Bromante's ideas but the decoration is more complex when compared to Bromante's House of Raphael 
-it is richer in texture and the the decoration is not structural at all which is significant in its distinction
-all attention is focused on the piano noble 
-there are also columns on the ground floor which appear to be for support but are not, this became a stylistic trend which would dominate the arts in Italy for the rest of the century
-has alternation pediments triangular and semicircular, this is a new element associated with Rome and Raphael 
-empty niches which would have had statues and decorative swags-also at the top there are balisters to lighten the heavy cornice

Rome, Palazzo Caprini ("House of Raphael"), ca.1501-1510
Creator: Antonio Lagheri based off Bramante
located: Rome, Italy
-named after the painter Raphael
-it was probably built for Bramante himself, but later was lived in by Raphael
-was destroyed in the seventeenth century-shows Bromante's influence in the domestic palace
-prototype for modern classicizing palace particularly in Northern Italy
-It is a two story rectangular block
-the ground story is without orders and has heavy rustication it would have been used for stores
-the piano noble has Bromante's use of paired columns on independent pedestals
-It is significant because of its simplification and strict symmetry which is new-the windows have little balconies
-a trigliph frieze
-regular rhythm except for the bottom which has circle then square windows  

Rome, Villa Madama, 1518-1527
Creator: Raphael, Location: Rome, Italy
-building on a terraced sloping incline built into the hillside
-hanging gardens and fish pond
-has a 3 bay gallery
-orders going over multiple stones- more monumental
-there are cross mullion windows on the lower stories
-the pond is from a stream that was going down the hill
-the interior is a style based on real Roman painting-house of Niro
-use of grotesque, stucco and decoration
   Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, later Pope Clement VII (1523-1534)

The Tempietto (1502)
-Located in S. Pietro Rome in Montorio
- it is a small circular church built on the spot where St. Peter was crucified
-based off of the pantheon
-is called a martyrium
-it was conditioned by Bramantes desire to re-create antique forms in the service of modern christian needs
-a work of high renaissance
-consists of two cylinders: the peristyle and cella, the peristyle is low and wide and the cella is tall and narrow
-it is significant for being the first building to use the Tuscan order correctly, which was used because it was appropriate to the character of Peter 
-the frieze is carved with alternating metopes and triglyths, when looked at closely the metotypes are carved with liturgical instruments 

Belvedere Court (1506)
-Bromante's work on the Vatican Palace in Rome
-designed by Bromante
-an enormous amphitheater for Julius II
-is on three levels and stretches from the palace to a small villa called the Belvedere
-was 300 yards in length, with a large expanse of plain walling and on top there are arches and pilasters, the pilasters are paired and between each pair is a round-headed arch
- this treatment is similar to Alberti's division of the walls in S. Andrea in Mantua
-it was never completed and altered in the sixteenth century
-the intermediate levels had elaborate ramps and staircases and the whole design ended in a curved wall
-the open spaces between the arches have been glazed in because behind them are paintings done by Raphael and his pupils- this caused a loss of the original effect of lightness and shade that once was there

St. Peters Foundation Medallion
-struck on April 18th 1506
-drawing is what was thought to be Bramante's original project
-it is the only surviving drawing that can be regarded as certainly by him
-it says Templi Petri Instavracio meaning 'to restore, to revive, to bring to completion'
-they are deluxe records of high patronage that is being undertaken
-often could be quite large
-of St.Peters, it is what Julius II and Bramante were thinking about

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